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Trevor (4) washes his hands. Ambeza Idd, (35) (blue vest) mans the hand washing station. Kibera Slum, Nairobi, Kenya Photo: Ed Ram / Concern WorldwideTrevor (4) washes his hands. Ambeza Idd, (35) (blue vest) mans the hand washing station. Kibera Slum, Nairobi, Kenya Photo: Ed Ram / Concern WorldwideTrevor (4) washes his hands. Ambeza Idd, (35) (blue vest) mans the hand washing station. Kibera Slum, Nairobi, Kenya Photo: Ed Ram / Concern Worldwide

Malawi: Concern’s response to coronavirus

Act now, save lives


As the number of confirmed coronavirus cases rises in Malawi, Concern is ramping up its response to stop the spread of the virus and save lives.

With just 25 intensive care unit beds and 20 ventilators in a country of more than 17 million people, there are fears that the health system may not cope if the number of cases increases rapidly.

It is vital that Concern does all it can to limit the spread of the virus in vulnerable rural communities and poor, densely populated urban areas.

But we need your help to reach more people.

I want to donate

Malawi is one of the poorest countries in the world, with over half the population living below the poverty line. Cyclones, drought, flooding and severe storms have had a devastating impact on rural communities plunging them deep into poverty. The country also has one of the highest HIV rates in the world – with around one million people living with disease.

Mary Ambweni, Health Surveillance Assistant, at a heath centre in Lilongwe distributing soap to beneficiaries.
Mary Ambweni, Health Surveillance Assistant, at a heath centre in Lilongwe distributing soap to beneficiaries.
Patricia Moloko with her son George pictured with the soap and Covid-19 fliers they have received from Concern Malawi.
Patricia Moloko with her son George pictured with the soap and Covid-19 fliers they have received from Concern Malawi.
Marriam Jamali received soap as part of of hygiene distribution to help prevent the spread of Covid-19 by Concern in Lilongwe. Her son Bruno helps pour water on her hands while she washes them.
Marriam Jamali received soap as part of of hygiene distribution to help prevent the spread of Covid-19 by Concern in Lilongwe. Her son Bruno helps pour water on her hands while she washes them.
Chrisy Kumvula and Paul Chitsuro, demonstrating to participants on the proper use of masks. Malawi Photo: Henry Mhango
Chrisy Kumvula and Paul Chitsuro, demonstrating to participants on the proper use of masks. Malawi Photo: Henry Mhango

Our teams are helping vulnerable communities by:

  • Working with the government of Malawi to train healthcare workers on coronavirus prevention and supporting its public information radio campaign
  • Equipping healthcare workers with personal protection equipment
  • Providing health centres with hygiene equipment and information leaflets and posters
  • Adapting our livelihoods programme to reduce close contact between people, by limiting the size of gatherings and promoting hand washing before and after activities
  • Distributing coronavirus prevention information in all our programme activities


We must act now to save lives and stop the spread of the disease.

Where your money goes

Overseas programmes
Overseas programmes
Policy, advocacy & campaigning
Policy, advocacy & campaigning

Our impact in 2023

30.3 M icon
30.3 M

people reached, in 26 of the world's poorest countries

15.5 M icon
15.5 M

people supported in 66 emergencies

9 M icon
9 M

people reached through our health and nutrition programmes

Kona* a Concern programme participant washing her hands as a preventative measure to the spread of COVID-19 Photo: AKM Jakaria / Concern Worldwide

Coronavirus Response

  • The coronavirus poses an existential threat to the world's most vulnerable communities

  • Our teams are mobilising to respond to the threat and help save lives

  • We need your help to reach more people

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