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Emergency appealEmergency appeal

Gaza Humanitarian Appeal

Single donation
£75 can provide a family hygiene kits which include essential items such as toothbrush, towels, soap, and toiletries.

The catastrophic humanitarian crisis in Gaza, exacerbated by the escalation of the ongoing conflict, has left 2.23 million people in urgent need of food, clean water and medical care.

There are widespread reports that famine is imminent.

Immediate humanitarian support is needed now to address the increasing levels of hunger. In northern Gaza, the rate of malnutrition is particularly high. It is estimated that over 50,000 children require treatment for acute malnutrition and 96 percent of the population is facing acute food insecurity at crisis level or higher.

The Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) warned of the risk that famine may occur in the coming months

Therapeutic food given to mother and child
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People urgently need your help today.

1.9 million people - around 85% of the population of the Gaza Strip have been forced to leave their homes and are in desperate need of food, water, shelter and medical care. Working in Gaza is hard and dangerous but our trusted partner is delivering much-needed supplies to people who need it most.

Peter Reynolds - Interim Executive Director Concern Worldwide UK

Your donation will help us to provide food, water and sanitation to those most in need.

Man holding child walking through rubble and debris in Gaza followed by other people.
The southern governorate of Khan Younis and Rafah (pictured) and Deir al-Balah are classified in IPC Phase 4 (Emergency). These governorates face a risk of famine before July 2024. Concern Worldwide is supporting our partner organisation respond to the emergency in Gaza. Their objective is to support the Palestinian population in Gaza to access basic emergency needs: nutrition, safe water, sanitation and hygiene and waste management.

Concern's work in Gaza

We are working with one of our established partners to deliver life-saving support including food, clean water and other essential items. Our response will take place across the governorates of Deir al Balah and Rafah, where the need for intervention is more critical than ever.


Funds raised in response to this appeal will go towards Concern's and our partner organisation's work in Gaza. For every £1 you donate, we will allocate 10p of your donation to cover general support and running costs. There is a small chance that we will raise more money than is needed for this appeal. If this happens, we'll spend any additional funds on other Concern programmes – wherever the need is greatest.

Emergency appeal

Gaza Humanitarian Appeal

  • Immediate humanitarian support is need now to address the increasing levels of hunger.

  • The IPC has warned of the risk that famine may occur by the end of May 2024.

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