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Asma Begum (37) and her husband Abdul with their three daughters Lamia (18), Sadia (16) and Maria (5) and their grandmother Kulsum Begum (72) started CRAAIN in 2020.Asma Begum (37) and her husband Abdul with their three daughters Lamia (18), Sadia (16) and Maria (5) and their grandmother Kulsum Begum (72) started CRAAIN in 2020.Asma Begum (37) and her husband Abdul with their three daughters Lamia (18), Sadia (16) and Maria (5) and their grandmother Kulsum Begum (72) started CRAAIN in 2020.

What was Concern's impact in 2023?

What was Concern's impact in 2023?

You can find out what we achieved working alongside communities around the world in our 2023 annual report.

More than 30 million people reached

In 2023, Concern supported more than 30 million people in 26 of the world’s poorest and most vulnerable countries, and responded to 66 emergencies in 20 countries.

Bernadette Sexton, Chair of the Board
It is a source of pride and great satisfaction to know that the generous support of people in the UK has enabled us to do so much – increasing children’s access to education and improved health and nutrition services; working with communities to build sustainable livelihoods as a pathway out of extreme poverty; combatting the effects of climate change and building community resilience; and tackling gender inequalities – in some of the hardest to reach and most fragile places on the planet.
Bernadette Sexton - Chair of the Board

Our latest annual report

Our impact in 2023

30.3 M icon
30.3 M

people reached, in 26 of the world's poorest countries

15.5 M icon
15.5 M

people supported in 66 emergencies

9 M icon
9 M

people reached through our health and nutrition programmes

Concern Worldwide (UK)'s Annual Reports - 2003-2022

Apoline Niyosenge is taught how to wash her hands properly by Concern community worker Abel Bamwisho, DRC. Photo: Pamela Tulizo

Help those in need across the world

  • Our mission is to permanently transform the lives of people living in extreme poverty.

  • When an emergency strikes we are among the first on the ground.

  • We go to the ends of earth to deliver aid where it's needed most.

Donate now

How your donation is used

Overseas programmes

Almost 82 pence in every pound donated goes towards our emergency response and long-term development programmes, working together with people living in the most difficult situations to bring about lasting change to lives, livelihoods and communities.

Asma Begum (37) and her husband Abdul with their three daughters Lamia (18), Sadia (16) and Maria (5) and their grandmother Kulsum Begum (72) started CRAAIN in 2020. Asma Begum started as a lead farmer, received training and seeds. Before, she did agri activities but wasn’t very successful. She had received one ring composter from the local gov but no training on how to use it. As a lead farmer, she has supported 400 households in this area. She used to rely on her husband but is now totally reliable.
  • 14.2%


    This is money we spend to raise more funds for our overseas work.

  • 3.5%

    Policy, advocacy and campaigns

    We invest money to campaign, lobby governments, run petitions and put pressure on decision-makers to tackle the underlying causes of extreme poverty and push for change.

  • 0.4%


    These are funds we spend to ensure that Concern is compliant and adheres to the highest standards.

Find out more
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