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Jean-Marie Mbonimpa (30) has just received news at a public meeting held outside Muhuzu primary school in Busoni that he has been selected to take part in a new phase of Concern’s graduation programme. Photo: Chris de Bode/Panos Pictures for Concern WorldwideJean-Marie Mbonimpa (30) has just received news at a public meeting held outside Muhuzu primary school in Busoni that he has been selected to take part in a new phase of Concern’s graduation programme. Photo: Chris de Bode/Panos Pictures for Concern WorldwideJean-Marie Mbonimpa (30) has just received news at a public meeting held outside Muhuzu primary school in Busoni that he has been selected to take part in a new phase of Concern’s graduation programme. Photo: Chris de Bode/Panos Pictures for Concern Worldwide

Our campaigns

Our campaigns

We campaign to tackle global poverty and support some of the most marginalised people in the world. Working directly with communities on the ground, we campaign for changes that will improve their lives. Join us in working towards a world free from hunger.


Key actions for the new government
Our manifesto sets out the key challenges facing the new government and the practical steps and approaches it should take to halt extreme poverty and strengthen the most fragile countries.
Read our key actions for the new government

Tell the new UK government to take hunger seriously

Sign our petition
At this critical time, make sure your voice is heard. Sign our petition today calling on UK leaders to take hunger seriously.
Take action now

Key priorities for the new UK government

Discover the steps and approaches we believe the new UK government should take to halt extreme poverty and strengthen the most fragile countries.

1. International aid
2. Aid reach
3. Long-term
4. Humanitarian

What we do

Speak out for the world’s poorest and most vulnerable people

Communities all over the world are calling out for dignity and a way out of poverty. By lending our voice, we help them to be heard.


Hold governments to account

Engage the public and politicians to achieve change

Our previous campaigns

Campaigning for climate action

Campaigning for climate action

East Africa hunger crisis

East Africa Hunger Crisis

Sow the seed of hope in CAR

Sow the seed of hope in CAR

Can't stomach hunger

Can't stomach hunger
Share your concern