Knowledge Hub
Knowledge Matters – Special Issue: Masters Student Research Projects 2022
Welcome to a Special Issue of Knowledge Matters, from December 2022 which is a compilation of articles from Masters Student researchers about topics that are relevant to Concern's country programmes.

This Special Issue of Knowledge Matters compiles articles written by five Masters Student researchers from the Masters in Development Practice (MDP) at Trinity College Dublin, the Masters in Food Security, Policy and Management at University College Cork (UCC) and the Masters in Conflict, Security and Development at the University of Sussex.
The research project themes were proposed by Concern's country teams and technical advisers. The students were paired with a mentor or superviser in Concern, and were also supervised academically from within their courses.
The topics of the research spanned a diverse range of topics:
- Promotion of nutrition-sensitive conservation agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Exploring options for disability inclusion in development programming
- The unique challenges SOGIESC* minorities face in conflict
- Environmental resilience and gender equality in water interventions in Somaliland
- Dairy value chain techniques in food and nutrition security analysis in Somaliland
*sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, sex characteristics
The articles were written by the students and are their reflections on the research projects they carried out. They do not present the official position of Concern on any topic.