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How to spice up your life during the Ration Challenge
They say variety is the spice of life…so when you’re limited to a single spice for the Ration Challenge, how do you choose?
It’s a nerve-wracking decision with the potential to sprinkle devastation across every bowl of rice. But fear not - we’re on hand to help with some essential ad-spice from some old-timer Challengers.

"Cumin is warm and earthy, with a hint of curry. It’s also a favourite spice in the Middle East, so it seems appropriate!"

"It was a revelation to me last year just how yum cumin was. It gave a real depth of flavour to stuff I cooked."
Garlic Powder

"I’d always go for garlic! (And if you eat enough of it no one will go anywhere near you to check if you’re cheating with other spices)."

"Everything I cooked last year had garlic powder in it and, if it didn’t, it wouldn’t have been as tasty."

Chilli flakes. Photo: Anthony the Spice Maker

Ground coriander. Photo: Blogchef

Cinnamon. Photo: CNN Health

Sumac. Photo: Nedim Bajramovic / Shutterstock

"I love rice so last year I sometimes added paprika to rice on its own. You can also make it into a soup or, if you raise enough money to reach a protein reward, it’s lovely with chicken."

"Paprika works fine alone, can be used to make any soup, and can be added to any carbs as well for better taste. Also, seeing a bit of colour in your food will help mentally."

"Turmeric is pretty AND tasty. Who doesn’t want their food looking like sunshine?!"

“Turmeric is amazing for your digestion, and brings a really unique flavour to the food.”

“Turmeric helped to make everything I cooked so much more colourful and has so many health benefits. It’s mild enough that you don’t get completely sick of it but I love the warm flavour.”

"I have to offer up sumac. It has some of the onion and garlic tones, plus a bit of a peppery aftertaste."

“I chose sumac because it’s versatile and delicious. It has a sour, tangy taste - almost like lemon.”

Turmeric. Photo: Getty Images / Kripalu

Paprika. Photo: Healthline / Pinterest

Garlic powder. Photo: Shutterstock / Mashed

Cumin seeds and ground cumin. Photo: The Chopra Center

"Cinnamon makes rice bearable for breakfast and helps the flatbreads and crepes feel like a treat."

"There has to be something sweetish to help the congee go down (never again), which turned out to be cinnamon."
Ground Coriander

"I went a bit rogue and chose ground coriander seed. It’s delicious, versatile and also thickens sauces a bit."
Chilli Flakes

"I used the flakes to make chilli oil and it was so good!"

"They’re not too overpowering and they won’t put you off for life!"
If you’re still feeling indespice-ive, don’t despair! They say teamwork makes the dream work – and if you form a team, you can share all the spices chosen by your team mates. So what are you waiting for?
Sign up for the Ration Challenge now.