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Concern Worldwide manifesto calls for government action to tackle global poverty in lead up to UK general election

Press release10 June 2024
Woman in Chad
Mahadia Gamar (24) showcases her watermelon at her farm in Karo village, Chad. Photo: Eugene Ikua/Concern Worldwide

Concern Worldwide has launched a manifesto aimed at all political leaders before the UK general election on 4 July 2024. 

'Manifesto for Change: Ending extreme poverty, whatever it takes' makes a powerful case for the actions a new government must take in its first 100 days to end extreme poverty and build resilience in the most fragile countries. It draws on Concern’s experience working with communities in fragile contexts and lessons from the humanitarian and development sector. 

The manifesto outlines four key areas of focus:  

  1. International aid must reflect the scale and urgency of extreme poverty. Restoring the aid budget to 0.7% of gross national income and committing new climate finance, means the UK can help reduce global poverty.  
  2. Aid must reach those furthest behind. International aid must support people most impacted by extreme poverty and strengthen their voices. With women still more likely to live in extreme poverty than men, aid programmes must actively promote women’s empowerment.   
  3. Long-term funding that tackles root causes must be prioritised. Long-term programmes aimed at the root causes of conflict and crises stand the best chance of halting global hunger. The UK must respond to humanitarian needs caused by climate change and long-term conflict to help build communities’ resilience.  
  4. Humanitarian responses must be led by those impacted. To be most effective, humanitarian responses must be led, managed and controlled by those closest to affected communities – who best understand the problems and how to solve them for the long-term. Supporting the empowerment of local civil society, government and affected populations is critical. 

As part of its campaigning work ahead of the election, Concern has also launched a petition calling for political leaders to take hunger seriously and turn the global hunger crisis around. 

“Global hunger is on a very worrying rise, and cuts in recent years to UK aid have reduced support to communities at a time that it is needed most,” said Anushree Rao, Director of Advocacy and Institutional Relationships 

“At Concern, we see first-hand how the climate change crisis and the impacts of conflict further damage the lives of people living in poverty and put them at greater risk of hunger.  But we are putting solutions in place to change this. Our Manifesto for Change argues that, with focused action, a new government can halt and reverse this increase in global hunger.” 

To view Concern’s manifesto, visit the following page.

For media enquiries, contact Nicole Bayes-Fleming, Senior Communications Officer, at [email protected].

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