Knowledge Hub
Conflict and displacement within the Central African Republic
Concern’s commitment to leaving no one behind has increasingly taken the organisation to fragile contexts, where the devastating consequences of conflict and resulting levels of human suffering have soared in recent years.
Displacement is a defining characteristic of modern conflict: by the end of 2016, over 65 million people were displaced by persecution, conflict, and violence. This report seeks to understand how conflict affects different individuals', groups' and communities' experiences of displacement and return; the different dynamics of displacement; and what gaps or opportunities remain for addressing or mitigating the impacts of conflict on displacement.
The report finds that conflict-induced displacement is highly context-specific, and rarely an isolated event: millions of people around the world are affected by cyclical and recurring waves of conflict and insecurity. They are often displaced multiple times and engage in a near-constant search for safety. The long-term effects of protracted and cyclical displacement can reduce household and community resilience and erode coping strategies over time.
This publication covers aid activities implemented with the financial assistance of Irish Aid. The ideas, opinions and comments therein are entirely the responsibility of its author(s) and do not necessarily represent or reflect Irish Aid policy.