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Your questions answered

Here are some common questions and answers which may help you when leaving a gift in your Will. Alternatively, please get in touch with us. We’ll be happy to help.

Why do I need to make a Will?

A Will is the best way of making sure that your loved ones are provided for once you have passed away, and helps to ensure that your wishes are carried out. Without a Will, your loved ones may be left with difficult legal and financial matters to sort out.


How do I make a Will or update an existing Will?

If I already have an existing Will, why would I need to change it?

How can I remember Concern in my Will?

Can Concern help me write my Will?

How can a gift to Concern affect my tax position?

Can my gift benefit a specific area of your work?

Do I need to let you know I have left a gift?

Help for executors

If you are administering an estate that includes a gift to Concern Worldwide, here is some information you will need.

Let us know

Support from our donors means that our vital work can continue. If you are an executor looking after an estate that includes a gift to us, please let us know as soon as possible. Also, please send us a copy of the Will to the address below. This enables us to plan ahead for future projects, with the knowledge that funding will be available. 

Concern Worldwide (UK) Head Office

 13/14 Calico House, Clove Hitch Quay, London, SW11 3TN

 Registered charity number:

 1092236 (England and Wales)

 SC038107 (Scotland)


Restricted gifts

We welcome gifts in Wills that are unrestricted (those that aren’t tied to a specific area of our work), as it is hard to know exactly which of our projects will need particular focus in the future. However, if your client would like to support a particular country or project, please contact the Gift in Wills Care team using the details below.


Contact us

If you have any questions about administering an estate benefiting Concern Worldwide, please contact the Gift in Wills Care team on 0800 032 4001. You can also email [email protected].

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